Key Figures

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Key Figures

01.01. - 30.06. (in EUR million) 2023 (%) 2022 (%) (+/ –%)
Bookings 339.1 101.4% 320.5 124.5% 5.8%
Order backlog (30.06.) 510.0 152.5% 437.4 169.9% 16.6%
Net revenues 334.5 100.0% 257.5 100.0% 29.9%
Gross profit 110.9 33.2% 81.5 31.7% 36.1%
Operating expenses (OPEX) 67.8 20.3% 57.7 22.4% 17.5%
EBITDA 47.6 14.2% 28.0 10.9% 70.0%
Operating result (EBIT) 43.1 12.9% 23.8 9.2% 81.1%
Result for the period (net profit) 32.4 9.7% 15.8 6.1% 105.1%
Free cash flow 12.2 -9.2 232.6%
ROIC 37.5% 32.5%
01.01. - 30.06. (in EUR million) 2023 (%) 2022 (%) (+/ –%)
  30.06.2023 (%) 30.06.2022 (%) (+/-%)
Net working capital 97.4 62.4 56.1%
Net Cash 1 86.6 108.4 -20.1%
Equity/Equity ration 206.0 54.1% 180.5 54.2% 14.1%
Employees (FTE) 2'205 2'062 6.9%

1 Definition according Alternative Performance Measures (APM) see notes.



Income Statement

in EUR million 01.01.-30.06.2023 (%) 01.01.-30.06.2022 (%)
Net revenues 334.5 100.0% 257.5 100.0%
Cost of goods sold and services provided -223.6 -66.8% -176.0 -68.3%
Gross profit 110.9 33.2% 81.5 31.7%
Sales and marketing expenses -37.0 -11.1% -31.3 -12.2%
Administrative expenses -22.7 -6.8% -19.9 -7.7%
R&D expenses -7.5 -2.2% -6.4 -2.5%
Other operating income 0.1 0.0% 0.6 0.2%
Other operating expenses -0.7 -0.2% -0.7 -0.3%
Operating expenses (OPEX) -67.8 -20.3% -57.7 -22.4%
Operating result (EBIT) 43.1 12.9% 23.8 9.2%
Financial result, net -0.2 -0.1% -2.3 -0.9%
Result for the period before tax (EBT) 42.9 12.8% 21.5 8.3%
Income tax expense -10.5 -3.1% -5.7 -2.2%
Income tax rate (based on EBT)   24.5%   26.5%
Result for the period 32.4 9.7% 15.8 6.1%
Attributable to:
in EUR million 01.01.-30.06.2023 (%) 01.01.-30.06.2022 (%)
Shareholders of Kardex Holding AG 32.2 9.6% 16.0 6.2%
Non-controlling interests 0.2 0.1% -0.2 -0.1%
Result for the period 32.4 9.7% 15.8 6.1%
Earnings per share attributable to shareholders of Kardex Holding AG (EUR) 1 4.17 2.07

1 No dilutive effect occurred in 2023 and 2022.

Balance Sheet

in EUR million 30.06.2023 (%) 31.12.2022 (%)
Cash and cash equivalents 74.8 19.6% 71.2 19.6%
Trade accounts receivable 81.3 21.4% 80.7 22.2%
Other receivables 47.6 12.5% 32.4 8.9%
Current fixed term deposits 11.8 3.1% 31.5 8.7%
Inventories and work in progress 36.0 9.5% 33.5 9.2%
Prepaid expenses 10.7 2.8% 8.6 2.4%
Current assets 262.2 68.9% 257.9 70.8%
Property, plant and equipment 64.1 16.8% 61.2 16.8%
Intangible assets 12.5 3.3% 11.2 3.1%
Financial assets 41.9 11.0% 33.8 9.3%
Non-current assets 118.5 31.1% 106.2 29.2%
Assets 380.7 100.0% 364.1 100.0%
Trade accounts payable 26.5 7.0% 26.3 7.2%
Other current liabilities 42.5 11.2% 47.3 13.0%
Current provisions 4.9 1.3% 4.4 1.2%
Accruals 71.1 18.7% 54.4 14.9%
Current liabilities 145.0 38.1% 132.4 36.4%
Non-current provisions 29.7 7.8% 27.1 7.4%
Non-current liabilities 29.7 7.8% 27.1 7.4%
Liabilities 174.7 45.9% 159.5 43.8%
Share capital 2.5 0.7% 2.5 0.7%
Capital reserves 32.1 8.4% 32.1 8.8%
Goodwill offset -45.0 -11.8% -42.8 -11.8%
Retained earnings and translation differences 217.6 57.2% 214.3 58.9%
Treasury shares -2.1 -0.6% -2.2 -0.6%
Equity before non-controlling interests 205.1 53.9% 203.9 56.0%
Non-controlling interests 0.9 0.2% 0.7 0.2%
Equity 206.0 54.1% 204.6 56.2%
Equity and liabilities 380.7 100.0% 364.1 100.0%



in EUR million 30.06.2023 (%) 31.12.2022 (%)

Cash Flow Statement

in EUR million 01.01.-30.06.2023 01.01.-30.06.2022*
Result for the period 32.4 15.8
Depreciation and amortization 4.5 4.2
Additions to or reversal (net) of provisions 5.0 2.7
Gain/loss on sale of assets - -0.5
Other non–cash items -0.8 1.5
Change in trade accounts receivable -1.0 -4.4
Change in other receivables -15.5 -8.8
Change in inventories and work in progress -2.9 -13.4
Change in prepaid expenses -2.2 -3.6
Change in trade accounts payable 0.1 -1.0
Change in other current liabilities -4.5 6.5
Change in provisions -1.8 -1.7
Change in accruals 17.2 2.3
Net cash flow from operating activities 30.5 -0.4
Purchase of property, plant and equipment -7.0 -7.3
Sale of property, plant and equipment 0.1 1.1
Purchase of intangible assets -2.6 -2.2
Sale of intangible assets 0.1 -
Change in current fixed term deposits 19.7 38.2
Purchase of non-current fixed term deposits - -11.0
Purchase of financial assets -0.1 -
Change in investments -6.7 -0.4
Acquisition of subsidiary -2.1 -
Net cash flow from investing activities 1.4 18.4
Acquisition of treasury shares - -1.9
Disposal of treasury shares - 1.5
Change in current financial liabilities - 0.1
Divident paid -27.3 -32.4
Net cash flow from financing activities -27.3 -32.7
Effect of currency translation differences on
cash and cash equivalents
-1.0 1.9
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 3.6 -12.8
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 71.2 85.9
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 74.8 73.1
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 3.6 -12.8
* Restated see notes.
in EUR million 01.01.-30.06.2023 01.01.-30.06.2022*

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